Monday, July 23, 2007


I know,I know you really do not want to be thinking about the holidays already in July. Believe
me, it's hard thinking about them this early, but they will be upon us before we know it. So please
bear with me as this will be a long, long newsletter, but I am trying to inform you as much as possible.

Fall Quick Click Session

September 19, 20 & 21st

This is a simple fall session that is $89 and includes the following:

1. Quick click 30 minute or less session fee.

2. 10-12 proofs in your own private online gallery to view from your home.

3. 1-8x10
2-4x5 or 4x6's
8-wallets(1 pose)
Each size can be a different image, excluding the wallets.

4. 15% off any additional images from this session, including fall cards or custom panels.

Sessions will be in half hour increments, starting at 8:30am and ending at 11am
on the 19th, 20th & 21st of September. On the 20th I will have late afternoon appointments
for working parents, 5:00,5:30,6:00 & 6:30. Please keep in mind this is a Quick Click Session, so
we can either do the whole session of just the siblings together, or just do a few of each child individually,
but not both with this session.

At the request of some clients, I will be offering some fun & simple Holidays sets this season. Some will be very
limited on specific days and others are booked upon request. As always, I will still be available to come
to your home or specific location, but book weekend family appointments early. I will be doing
Holiday sessions for cards from the end of September until November 21st. Sessions after that date
may not be done in time for the Holidays with the exception of newborns.

The Country Cottage home set is versatile in a having a holiday feel, or not. This set is available
starting now for Holiday portraits or maybe a special yearly portrait. Session times for this set with
light are best in the early morning from 8am-10am or right now in the evening at 6pm.

The Christmas Clubhouse set has large Christmas lights, a fun Holiday sign, a log swing and maybe a few
more holiday decorations before the sessions start. This set is done in color or sepia with handtinting
(as shown above). This set is available starting the end of September and is best in early morning
from 8am-10am and is age appropriate for 8 and under.

The Sandman Session, oh what fun! Yes, we get all the cards from our friends up north that have their
kids making their adorable snowmen and yes that is when we wish we did have a little snow. Well,
the kids can have fun with our Florida snow, our sand. You can choose from the more northern
sandman on the left or the more southern sandman on the right. Both with have additional things
in the set like shovels, buckets & shells. In addition the southern sandman will have a straw hat,
kids sunglasses and maybe even a grass skirt. So you can bundle your kids up, (ha,ha) or let them
dress in Florida winter. This set will only be available on November 14th, 15th & 16th.
Morning appointments are scheduled from 8am-10am and a few afternoon appointments
are available only on the 14th which is an early release day from school.

The next few images are just a few outside locations that we can use for you holiday portraits.
Please keep in mind that the Shady Park, I just found while out and about with my children,
so I don't have any "dressed" images, but I wanted it in the newsletter, because it really is a pretty spot.

Please email with questions or phone 352.216.1717
Please visit the blog for updates..